Trade-in. Trade up.
Still using an old oxyfuel set? There’s never been a better time to upgrade to the latest in cutting edge plasma technology with Hypertherm.
How does the oxyfuel trade-in, trade up program work?
For every complete oxyfuel set (limited to 2 per Powermax System) traded in to Gentronics, you will receive a 5% discount off any of the eligible Powermax systems.
Which machines are eligible for the trade-in credit?
- Powermax30® Air, Powermax30XP®, Powermax45® XP, Powermax125®
- Powermax65 SYNCTM, Powermax85 SYNCTM, Powermax105 SYNCTM
How much discount do I recieve?
For those trading in one complete oxyfuel set, a 5% discount will be available (per system) for all eligible Powermax Machines. For those trading in two complete oxyfuel sets, a 10% discount will be available (per system) for all eligible Powermax Machines.
How long does the program run for?
The Trade-in, Trade up promotion will be running for two months, concluding on Wednesday, 30 November 2022
How do I claim this promotion?
Contact any of the friendly team here at Gentronics on (08 9472 4033) or email us at sales@gentronics.com.au for further information.